About the Blog


Welcome to my kitchen where we have no dinner before dessert! JK but there is plenty of both. I love trying new recipes and finding winners or trying to recreate dishes I've tried before. I have more plans than time or what our stomachs can take so we share with family and friends, freeze extra and make a crazy show at Christmas just for fun. Join me on my kitchen adventures... and never forget dessert!

About the Author

Hi! My name is Courtney. I work on the architecture team of a design and build firm. I love cooking of all kinds and that takes up a good bit of the rest of my time (that and cleaning up after). I have no formal food training, but I try to learn from others on the internet and even cooking textbooks. I have always enjoyed cooking and even made every meal and did every dish for my family for an entire summer when I was twelve.

In March of 2021, I decided to try the Keto Diet so some of my recipe posts will be keto related. This was my first experiment with a diet. It went really well -- I didn't have a lot of weight to lose but I felt healthier. My husband is type 1 diabetic so that worked well for him too to keep his blood sugar under control though he didn't join me in the diet completely. I stuck with it for three months and really liked the results, so I will likely do it again.

Cooking has become something of a family hobby. My sisters are also quite into it so they may get to be guest writers one day when I'm ready to tell people that this blog exists.

I decided to start this blog as a place to store my favorite recipes so I can remember which ones I like and how to make the things I created and share those with anyone who happens to find this blog. I do not expect anyone to find this blog let alone to make money but who knows.

My lovely husband helped me get this blog set up. I do have some experience in HTML and this has been a fun way to get to practice coding again. We have been married for just about two years at the time I'm writing this.

About the Name

"No dinner before dessert" was a favorite saying in my family growning up. Sometimes it really did go that way but usually my mom was good about having us eat a real dinner first.

Contact me with questions or nice comments at courtney@nodinnerbeforedessert.com