Courtney Creator and author of No Dinner Before Dessert. Collector of delicious recipes. Wife of the luckiest husband in the world (at least that's what he tells me).

Mother-in-Law Roast

Mother-in-Law Roast

My mother-in-law used to make roast a lot and always commented that it was tough but everyone else thought it was great. She swears the rump roast is the best and it really is. I got the recipe a while ago and probably don’t do it exactly the same anymore but this has worked for me!

Rump Roast Flour Salt Pepper Olive Oil Brown Gravy Mix Water Onion Soup Mix Potatoes - cut Onions - cut Carrots Corn starch water

Cut excessive chunks of fat from the roast. Pat dry with a paper towel then sprinkle with salt and pepper, then cover with flour - just as much as will stick to the meat. Heat olive oil in a good pan - I use my dutch oven - and sear all sides of the roast just til the flour is golden to dark. Transfer meat to crock pot. Mix Gravy with water according to instructions - making about 1 cup and add to crock pot. Place veggies around the meat, on top or however they fit. Sprinkle onion soup mix on top of everything and let cook on low for a few hours til thermometer says 170. Remove roast and let sit 5 minutes. Transfer veggies to serving plate or bowl. Scoop gravy into sauce pan and heat to boiling. In a small bowl, mix corn starch with cold water and while stirring the gravy, pour in the corn starch mixture. Heat for a couple minutes to cook off the corn starch taste. Cut the roast into slices/pieces, against the grain. Serve with veggies, rolls, jam, etc.