Courtney Creator and author of No Dinner Before Dessert. Collector of delicious recipes. Wife of the luckiest husband in the world (at least that's what he tells me).

Pasta and Pizza Sauce

Pasta and Pizza Sauce

I never measure this one and may forget something occasionally so it comes out different every time. The amount of everything depends on the size of the tomato sauce can. If you didn’t get enough in at the beginning you can add more later.

Olive oil
Garlic (if desired)
Bay leaf
Onion powder
Red pepper flakes. Tomato sauce (or tomato paste + equal part water)

Start the olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Once hot, add all herbs and seasonings except the bay leaf. Heat for 30-60 seconds til aromatic. Pour in Tomato sauce. Stir in seasoning and bay leaf. Let flavors mix for as long as you have time for but at least 5 minutes. Cover pan to avoid splattering.