Courtney Creator and author of No Dinner Before Dessert. Collector of delicious recipes. Wife of the luckiest husband in the world (at least that's what he tells me).

Raspberry Rose Ice Cream

Raspberry Rose Ice Cream

Haagan Daz came out with a version of this ice cream while I was in Hong Kong. I saw billboards and such, but I have no idea if it was available anywhere else. I haven’t seen it since or even online. Sadly I didn’t get a chance to try it while I was there either but I did try rose ice cream in Japan and I love raspberries so I had to give it a try.

Ice Cream Recipe
Rose water
Pink food color

Add 1/2 of the raspberries and sugar to sauce pan. Cook until it’s basically jam, blend/puree, strain if desired, add back to the sauce pan, add the remaining berries and cook just until they are looking a little cooked. Remove from heat and cool.
To your creme anglaise ice cream base, mix in the rose water and pink color and start churning the ice cream. Once it is as frozen as your ice cream maker will get it, dump ice cream into a bowl (see picture - ice cream with the raspberry sauce not added yet) and partially stir in the berry sauce leaving streaks of bright red in the pink. Finish the freezing process in the freezer.