Courtney Creator and author of No Dinner Before Dessert. Collector of delicious recipes. Wife of the luckiest husband in the world (at least that's what he tells me).

Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake

Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake

I was inspired by this recipe which was quite tasty. I’d made another keto ice cream at the beginning of my keto journey but keto ice cream gets so hard and I was struggling to get through it. Then I decided to try combining the ideas into a milkshake. This milkshake was an amazing treat when I was doing keto and of course it’s still good with normal ice cream too.

Vanilla Ice Cream
Frozen strawberries
Milk (or almond/coconut milk)
Cream cheese

Blend ingredients and top with cookie crumbs (try this recipe for the keto option) and/or whipped cream.